Remote. New FW version 1.3

Category: Dyno Usage

In the standard version 1.2, only Left and Right buttons are “software” buttons, Then the program can implement several functions (menus, etc) depending on the context, while up, center and down are “hardware/firmware”: the DAQ will perform a fixed function even if the computer is not runing, but that prevents to add more functions depending on the context, specially the menu handling (using the left key all time) is a bit counter intuitive

In the new version 1.3 all buttons are “software” type, then the program can implement several functions depending on the context.
now Up and Dn buttons will perform different functions depending on the mode: Steady rpm up/dn, brake up/dn, etc. But when the menu is visible then will move the current selection up and down, which is more intuitive. Also the left button can be configured in the software for the Cancel function (equivalent to ESC key) or other function like fixed braking (20% or other value) without entering the “Panic” condition. But this is under test now
The idea is that as they are all “software” type they could have more complex functions in the future

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